Lifestyle and Wellness

Two women drink together by a pool

Can Drinking Alcohol Affect My Anemia?

Don’t worry, it’s mostly good news. But there are some things you should know before hitting the town. We won’t keep you waiting here: Drinking alcohol can affect your iron levels, but only if you ...

Why Do You Feel More Tired in The Winter?

Why Do You Feel More Tired in The Winter?

Reasons Behind Winter Tiredness Have you ever noticed how it’s harder to get out of bed in the winter months? Or why you feel more tired during the day, regardless of how much sleep you get the nig...

Anemic woman writing down her new years resolution

How to Keep Your New Year's Resolution

Stay on track with your 2023 goal with these tips and tricks Millions of people every year set a New Year’s resolution, but by the time February rolls around close to 40 percent of people drop it....

Anemic woman with holiday fatigue

How Anemics Can Avoid Holiday Fatigue

You may not be low on holiday cheer but it can be easy to fall behind on your hemoglobin levels this time of year — here’s what you need to know The holidays may be one of the most wonderful times ...

Boost Your Iron With This Thanksgiving Meal Plan

Boost Your Iron With This Thanksgiving Meal Plan

After all, nobody wants to feel fatigued when they start holiday shopping. Here’s what to put on your plate. We’re sure you already have a list of all the foods you’re going to eat on Thanksgiving...

A woman using the Anemocheck app bundled in winter coats outside

Winter and Anemia: How to Survive the Colder Months

The weather can affect our moods and our health—here’s what anemics and people with iron deficiency should know about cold temperatures. Even the hottest summer day can feel chilly for those with i...

7 Healthy Lifestyle Habits to Boost Your Immune System

7 Healthy Lifestyle Habits to Boost Your Immune System

Having a strong immune system should be a priority for everyone. A strong immune system can help prevent diseases and keep you feeling energized and healthy every day. While genetics plays a signif...

New Year, New You: 10 Simple Habits to Get Healthier in 2024

New Year, New You: 10 Simple Habits to Get Healthier in 2024

It's a new year and a perfect time to start fresh. What better way to start than by taking care of yourself and ensuring that your health and wellness are second to none! The good news is that gett...

Eight Tips to Manage Inflammation in Winter

Ocho consejos para controlar la inflamación en invierno

El calendario dice que está a punto de llegar el invierno, pero tus articulaciones recibieron el mensaje hace semanas. Para muchos, especialmente los que sufren de anemia, este cambio de estación ...

Is Your Bedroom Sabotaging Your Sleep? 8 Essential Sleep Hygiene Habits

Is Your Bedroom Sabotaging Your Sleep? 8 Essential Sleep Hygiene Habits

Most of us focus on nutrition and exercise for better health, but we often overlook a crucial daily habit: sleep hygiene. Just as brushing your teeth prevents dental problems, good sleep habits pr...