What is anemia? How about hemoglobin? And why does iron matter? Take our introductory class to find out the facts.

Living With Thalassemia Inspired the Creation of an Anemia Detection App
Sanguina's Chief Technology Officer, Rob Mannino, knows first-hand how important medical advancements can be.

How Anemia and Hemoglobin Can Impact Your Heart Health
Your body's most important organ may be working overtime due to low hemoglobin - here's what you need to know.

Hemoglobin Levels for Blood Donation: A Complete Guide
Low hemoglobin levels could cause you to be turned away at the blood center. Here’s what you need to know before you head to your appointment.

What to Know About Becoming a Blood Donor
The American Red Cross is experiencing its worst blood shortage in over a decade. Follow these tips for an easy blood donation experience. Whether you’re looking for a late New Year’s resolution or...

We pass our hair, eyes, and sense of humor onto our children. But can we also give them anemia? The answer is a little complicated.

The Best Way to Manage Your Anemia
Anemia is one of the most misunderstood and mistreated conditions in the world, but luckily one of the best ways to manage anemia can be found in your pocket.

How Does Anemia Affect Periods?
Women are more likely to develop anemia than men, and a significant contributing factor is the menstrual cycle. Dealing with periods is no small feat; they can bring about a range of challenges, fr...

Anemia and the Heat - What You Need to Know
A bad tan isn’t the only thing you have to worry about if you’re iron deficient. Anemia and iron deficiency are often associated with being cold—and if you’re like us and have a handy basket of bla...

How Donating Blood Can Improve Your Health
That’s right. Donating blood gives you a lot more than some good karma. Read on to find out. Donating blood is one of the most selfless acts anyone can do, and depending on the type of blood donat...

How to Keep Anemia at Bay During a Long Weekend or Vacation
Being fatigued or having cold hands is no fun – here’s how to avoid any anemia symptoms during your next trip. You’ve waited weeks, nay months for this vacation. You’ve planned every last detail, c...

How Air Travel and Jet Lag Could Affect Your Anemia
Got a big trip planned? Fasten your seatbelt, put your seat up, and find out how traveling through time zones affects your blood health. Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. Please pa...