Products with Principles
Scientific integrity is a central part of Sanguina’s culture, which means we never sell your data and base everything we do in science.
Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Wilbur Lam, explains how he helps us carry out that mission.
Don’t Just Take Our Word For it
Our products have been vetted in several peer-reviewed journals.

A Simple, Rapid, and Inexpensive Color-Based Hemoglobin Assay As a Robust Screening Test for Severe Anemia in Limited Resource Settings

BMC Medicine
AnemoCheck-LRS: an optimized, color-based point-of-care test to identify severe anemia in limited-resource settings.

The Journal of Clinical Investigation
Disposable platform provides visual and color-based point-of-care anemia self-testing

Nature Communications
Smartphone app for non-invasive detection of anemia using only patient-sourced photos

American Journal of Hematology
An accurate and inexpensive color-based assay for detecting severe anemia in a limited-resource setting.

Revolutionizing health through technology
Our development team spent countless hours leveraging the results of a clinical study and compared them to results from a real-world setting to demonstrate a true example of personalized medicine in the form of a smartphone app.
The clinical results indicate that Ruby's accuracy is similar to that of other noninvasive Hgb measurement technologies currently on the market as medical devices with United States FDA clearance.