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How do I cancel my trial or subscription?
Trials and subscriptions to AnemoCheck premium are set to renew automatically. If you don’t want your subscription to renew, you need to cancel it at least 24 hours before it’s set to renew. If you cancel your trial or subscription any later, you might still be charged for it as the payment could already be underway.
To cancel in the Apple App Store click here.
To cancel in the Google Play Store click here.
What is the difference between premium and basic?
The basic subscription is a free (limited use) version, and the premium subscription offers exclusive features.
What is the cost of the premium subscription?
- $5.99 monthly
- $29.99 for semi-annual
- $49.99 annual
What does the premium subscription offer?
Get 50% more accurate results with your unique algorithm. It calibrates every time you upload lab tests and take a fingernail selfie.